Sunday, September 28, 2008

Symbolic Whispers Development Circle

Symbolic whispers development circle- Fuengirola
Monday 29th 2008 (meets every two weeks)
Time; 8pm-10.00pm
Place; Miramar Las Palmeras-Fuengirola
Cost; 10 euros

If you are able to attend this meeting please confirm your place, unless you have already done so.

If you have any friends or know anyone who is interested in Joining the circle please feel free to recommend them as well as arrange a meeting with us.

Please contact Jason 0034 677114989 or Luis 0034 617810209 or home 0034 951260538


Symbolic Whispers Development Circle- Alhaurine
Wednesday 8th October (meets every two weeks)
Place; Villa La Paz (between the coin road and Alhaurine golf)
Time; 8pm-10.00pm
Cost; 10 euros

The symblic whispers development circle will also be available inland.
As from the 8th October on Wednesday evenings 8pm-10pm we will meet
between Alhaurine and Coin at Villa La Paz

If youhave any friends or know anyone who is interested in Joining the circleplease feel free to recommend them as well as arrange a meeting with us.

Please contact Jason 0034 677114989 or Luis 0034 617810209 or home 0034 951260538

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