There are three important factors that must be considered when conducting a séance. They are; the purpose, the quality of the sitters and the location. Each of these must be provided for to increase the expectation for a reasonably successful outcome.
The conducting medium:
The medium should be one that has already presided over a séance before and is familiar with the importance of insuring that the basic requirements mentioned above are met. The séance may be conducted by a non-experienced person, however, the success of the outcome may be affected because of a lack of attunement. In either case, it is up to the conducting medium to assure that the conditions outlined below are met.
The purpose for the séance should be established prior to the meeting. Is it to contact someone’s deceased relative or friend, find spirit guides, or to conjure apparitions? Whatever the purpose it must be the only purpose for all the sitters and this must be the only thought in everyone’s mind. There cannot be divided purposes in the circle once it begins because it will weaken if not destroy the singleness of psychic energy needed in the séance. It is up to the conducting medium to query each sitter, and to make them aware of the importance of a single mind among them all. All thoughts of personal affairs, the day’s events or any other distracting thoughts must be put aside because these also interfere with maintaining a single energy.
The sitters:
Desire to be there is the primary qualification for a sitter. Without this there is a loss in the expectation that gives the séance that special feeling. If you have to drag someone into the circle, you’re doing the wrong thing. Here are the types of people you want in the circle:
1. Someone that really wants to be there, who is serious and not frivolous or silly and giddy. Positive and uplifting people that will add their energy.
2. A family member that wants to make contact with a deceased loved one. (In the case of seeking such contact) They must not be grasping and groping for the connection, but rather, subjective and patient for whatever comes. Grasping and desperate persons sometimes block the energy, so they must put their feelings in check and be neutral.
3. Persons that are empathetic and can inject love into the séance. Love is the vibration of communication in the spirit world. Its presence enables communication to take place.
Avoid these people:
1. The skeptical and cynical person will act like a sinker. Just one will drain the entire circle of its energy and the result will fulfill the skeptic’s expectations. Even if it is a family member, do not allow this person to be a part of it.
2. A fear filled person has almost the same effect as the skeptic, because fear is one of the great negatives that have a counter effect to the positive love vibration. Their fear may be self generated or the result of religious superstition, nevertheless, avoid this one also.
3. Anyone full of hate or envy against anyone in the circle or outside of it, will have the same deleterious effect as the previous two.
There are two best choices. The first is to hold it in a neutral location free from outside disturbances, noises, and interference, preferably one that has been previously used for such a purpose. Next is to hold it in a place that has a symbolic connection to the purpose. For example, hold it in the home of a deceased person you’re trying to establish contact with, because there will be objects and artifacts that still have their owner’s imprint within them. Incidentally, these personal artifacts can also be brought to a neutral meeting place.
The gathering for the séance or Circle
Wait until everyone is present and then sit around and make small talk for about twenty minutes to give everyone time to settle down and get accustomed to the setting. Then you will be able to begin.
The Séance/Circle format:
1. Everyone should be sitting around in a circle, either around a table or with straight back chairs. They should be close enough to hold hands, but not touching knees. The lights should be dim or have candles. You need just enough light to see everyone’s face. Do not conduct the meeting in total darkness, its not necessary.
2. Play some soft meditative music in the background for at least ten minutes. Then its time for the conducting medium to remind all present that the love vibration carries communication and to invoke it now. Then the purpose is said aloud to everyone. In the case of seeking spirit guides, remind everyone to remember any feelings, visions and thoughts they receive in the session so they can be shared with all present. For the case of conjuring apparitions, they are given the same injunction because most apparitions will be visions they receive when their eyes are closed, not when they are open. When the séance is to invoke a deceased person’s spirit, the same rules apply, except that they are told to send the love vibration to the spirit sought and hold the person in loving remembrance.
3. They should be encouraged not to accept any message or information that has silliness or frivolity associated with it. They should firmly reject it and continue waiting for something more substantial.
4. Allow 20 to 30 minutes for everyone to stay in this loving remembrance state and then softly request them to return their attention to the circle and open their eyes when ready.
5. After a few minutes they should all be alert and ready to talk. Start anywhere in the circle and encourage everyone to share their experience. What you are looking for are profound information that has evidence of a connection within it. Look for duplicate messages, visions or feelings which are confirmations of a connection with the spirit.
6. A recording can be made of the message part of the séance for future reference.
Don’t expect a voice to emanate from the corner of the room or from within an object. That only happens in the movies. Remember that those in spirit must try just as hard as we do in order to communicate. They are not specialists, just who they were when they were here in their physical bodies. These séances sometimes require repeat sessions to get sufficient details to piece together a coherent picture. Patience is required.
For conjuring an apparition, you have look for the number of similarities in the information of the sitters. Many times there will be a number of people who get the same message or vision or feeling during the session. These are confirmations of a single spirit’s influence during the séance.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
How to become a Medium
A medium has a different focus than that of a psychic. While the psychic focuses on the events and relationships of person for which a reading is being given, the medium focuses not only on the person, but on the spirit energies surrounding that person also. The medium needs to be a psychic and a medium at the same time. An analogy would be that the psychic would be on channel 4 and the medium on channel 6. The action is the same, it’s just a different program that they are tuning into.
The student should practice psychic development at the same time as learning to become a medium and can follow the instructions given on the pages for Psychic power. Particular attention should be given to learning and practicing meditation on a regular basis. This is the key to getting into the frame of mind where the other senses are temporarily put to rest allowing the sixth sense to be in a heightened state of awareness. It is from this heightened state that information, symbols and knowledge comes through from the other side of the veil. The "veil" is a common term used to describe the thin barrier that exists between the spirit world and ours. Tuning or focusing into the right channel becomes easier with one’s ability to meditate and the rest is practice.
Another critical factor is your desire to communicate with the realm of spirit for a serious and purposeful reason. If you want to speak to spirit because you have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon or you just want to entertain your friends, forget it! You are guaranteed to get zero. However, if you are sincere and dedicated toward developing a connection and are patient to work it through, even though progress seems to be scant at times, then you will succeed.
Expand your awareness
The next thing you need to do is to develop your awareness about the spirit world and how it has already been in contact with you through your dreams, or while you were awake. You can learn a lot from near death returnees and from those reported cases where the deceased come to comfort the dying. Finding your spirit guides enables you to understand the sense of someone behind the scenes helping. And there is the séance, the place of learning and practice where you gain valuable experience. Follow these links and make yourself better prepared to develop your connection.
Focus on spirits
It is from the knowledge of how those that exist in the spiritual realm interact with you that will in itself give you a large boost in developing toward mediumship. Follow the format outlined in the section on Psychic Ability listed below. Once you have practiced and are proficient with that you can begin to focus on the spirit energy around people. Mediumship is developing your psychic sixth sense and then putting the focus on deceased spirits and getting lots of practice.
A medium has a different focus than that of a psychic. While the psychic focuses on the events and relationships of person for which a reading is being given, the medium focuses not only on the person, but on the spirit energies surrounding that person also. The medium needs to be a psychic and a medium at the same time. An analogy would be that the psychic would be on channel 4 and the medium on channel 6. The action is the same, it’s just a different program that they are tuning into.
The student should practice psychic development at the same time as learning to become a medium and can follow the instructions given on the pages for Psychic power. Particular attention should be given to learning and practicing meditation on a regular basis. This is the key to getting into the frame of mind where the other senses are temporarily put to rest allowing the sixth sense to be in a heightened state of awareness. It is from this heightened state that information, symbols and knowledge comes through from the other side of the veil. The "veil" is a common term used to describe the thin barrier that exists between the spirit world and ours. Tuning or focusing into the right channel becomes easier with one’s ability to meditate and the rest is practice.
Another critical factor is your desire to communicate with the realm of spirit for a serious and purposeful reason. If you want to speak to spirit because you have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon or you just want to entertain your friends, forget it! You are guaranteed to get zero. However, if you are sincere and dedicated toward developing a connection and are patient to work it through, even though progress seems to be scant at times, then you will succeed.
Expand your awareness
The next thing you need to do is to develop your awareness about the spirit world and how it has already been in contact with you through your dreams, or while you were awake. You can learn a lot from near death returnees and from those reported cases where the deceased come to comfort the dying. Finding your spirit guides enables you to understand the sense of someone behind the scenes helping. And there is the séance, the place of learning and practice where you gain valuable experience. Follow these links and make yourself better prepared to develop your connection.
Focus on spirits
It is from the knowledge of how those that exist in the spiritual realm interact with you that will in itself give you a large boost in developing toward mediumship. Follow the format outlined in the section on Psychic Ability listed below. Once you have practiced and are proficient with that you can begin to focus on the spirit energy around people. Mediumship is developing your psychic sixth sense and then putting the focus on deceased spirits and getting lots of practice.
Psychic Development
Spiritual growth is the by-product of psychic development. As you expand you own awareness of the universe through the experiences you get from these practices, you become more balanced and discerning. You will see the world and people from a different perspective. You'll see things as a whole rather than from their individual parts. And you will have a greater empathy because you'll understand what is going on in many people, even if they don't see it themselves.
Every day of our lives we engage in the paranormal practice of communicating with a higher realm of consciousness and we are not even aware of it. Following is a list of things that everyone has experienced at least once. Look them over and remember similar such psychic events that happened to you. Once you have become aware of them, practice them and more will occur. Through a higher awareness you can make the paranormal become the normal for you.
Pay attention to what is going on around you in everyday occurrences and events. When you experience one of events listed below, write it in a book or a diary that you keep just for that purpose. Recording these events, no matter how trivial they may seem, will help you with your development. Try to discover other types not mentioned in this list. Pay particular attention to your own personal growth as you progress, looking for changes in the way you look at things, how you feel as compared to before. Be sure to track your personal growth as well as the psychic events. This will give you added confidence in your self and your growing talent.
Here are a few types of events you should be looking for.
1) Coincidences - Pay attention to coincidences that amaze you, including those that don't. All coincidences have a meaning, especially if they seem to further your psychic or spiritual path. Record all of them.
2) Hunches - See what happens with your hunches. Take the effort to see if they play out as they came to you.
3) Urges - Follow up on urges. If you followed the urge, what happened?
4) The little inner voice - Listen to it. Deep within it gives you an awareness and knowledge about yourself or someone else. About the present, past or future. We don't always hear it, because our conscious minds are preoccupied with ourselves. The subtlety of this voice sometimes makes us think that our mind is talking to itself. Record these occasions, because this practice will greatly enhance your ability to hear more of this voice.
5) Predictions- If you are going to see someone that you've never met, try to picture in your mind what this person looks like. When you speak to someone on the telephone, do the same thing. If you are going to a meeting or gathering, guess how many people will be there, what the interior or exterior looks like. See if you can imagine what just one person will look like and what they will be wearing. Practice advance awareness, by always trying to predict things in advance of seeing or experiencing them. This is a good method for getting immediate feedback.
Everyone has it.
Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive.
This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body.
Nothing to fear.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons. Thanks to the media and to religion, it has been misrepresented and as a result, people associate the spirit world with fear and trepidation. A person has more to fear going to their car in the parking lot after work than from those souls in the spirit world.
It is scientific.
Every human being is equipped from birth with what they need to communicate with the spirit world from where they came, and to where they will eventually go when they give up their physical body. This is the same scientific phenomenon that works in the transmission of electronic information such as the television or radio. These require that you tune into a particular band or frequency to get the program that you want. The sixth sense is similar in that it requires tuning in to another person’s frequency or to the frequency of someone in the spirit world. Electronic tuning is done through electronic means that is mechanical in nature. Spiritual tuning is done through the brain with mental focus, intent and desire being the means.
Mental tuning.
Although, tuning by mental focus is inconsistent and capricious, while electronic tuning is reliable, consistent and tangible, it is no less scientific. The difference being that psychic and medium communication is in its infancy as far as future development goes. It has a scientific basis for its manifestation because all things that happen work according to scientific laws, even by laws that haven’t been discovered yet. Consider technology that we take for granted, anyone that would have predicted one hundred years ago where we would be today, would have been laughed to scorn. So it is with mediums and communication with the so-called dead, it is a science in its infancy.
You’ve already had contact.
One doesn’t have to be a practiced medium or an ordained saint to make contact with the souls from the spirit world. At one time or another, everyone that is alive today has seen them, heard from them, been touched by them, smelled them, either while in the waking state or through a dream. Those that can’t recall having the experience are not aware of the signs or, because of fear and ignorance programmed through religion, are in denial. This is the first step in development of your sixth sense, recognizing the times that you have been touched by those in the spirit world.
To become a reader, you must learn to switch your mindset from yourself and onto another person as the center point. Your focus is centered on the inner workings of that person as it relates to the world they live in. For this you need to go within to engage that part of yourself that communicates with the universal mind where all knowledge resides.
The first requirement.
Just like learning any other skill you need to practice. Nothing comes to anyone without practice and reading another person is no different. Remember, you already have the ability, you only need to tune it and refine it.
Mind set is important. The more serious you are about it, the faster you will develop your ability to give readings. If you are dedicated to learn, you will. Just remember, Rome was not built in a day, so be patient. Becoming a psychic reader requires patience and practice.
Learn to meditate
Meditation puts you on the fast track to developing your own potential. It helps you get in that deep inner part of yourself where you get help from outside - from the universal mind. If you don't meditate, you can still learn, but it takes a bit longer. Profound and meaningful information is more readily available for a person that meditates. If you intend to go on to becoming a medium, then learning meditation is a must.
See how to meditate.
Where the information comes from
As each person goes through life, the events of that life are recorded. Every thought, words spoken, actions taken and not, are recorded with the universal mind. Some psychic readers refer to this as the akashic records, but its easier to visualize it as a video recording. This is information that you as a psychic reader can access.
How to get the information
The information comes through 5 sources:
1) Feelings - feelings that something is so, feelings of what a person is feeling inside, feelings about what a person fears, what is going on in their life, feelings about what is going on in regard to their personal relationships, etc.
2) Pictures - Visual pictures will come to the psychic read, some are directly interpreted and others are indirectly related. That is some pictures are symbols for another meaning. For example: in giving a reading, a woman client is visualized fishing off a bridge. Does it mean that the client is really going to go fishing or is she looking for a man? The answer lies in developing a 'feel' of how to interpret these symbols. And in this case, it turned out that the client was looking for a man.
3) Hearing - The psychic reader hears words in the form of mind talk. As though the psychic reader was talking to herself. Sometimes it seems like words are being imagined.
4) Knowing - One of the most profound ways that a psychic reader gets information is through 'knowing'. Suddenly, information appears. And as if by magic, the reader knows something that she didn't know a moment earlier.
5) Smelling and tasting - The psychic reader gets a sense (feels) of smelling or tasting.
How the psychic reader interprets it.
Sometimes you will only get a single word or picture about a person which doesn't provide a clear meaning. You must then go back and ask that symbol to give you more information. More information usually comes through one of the other sources. For example, the picture of the woman fishing on the bridge didn't give an explanation beyond the image itself. When the reader went back for more information, a feeling came to her that the woman was really actively looking for a man to be in her life. The psychic reader goes back to the source as many times as necessary to get a coherent message for her client.
How does a beginner get practice?
1) By meeting new people. - First it is necessary to practice giving readings and also to get feedback. Without feedback a person doesn't know if what they gave to another person made sense or was relevant. Feedback gives a beginner and practicing psychic information on how to interpret the symbols they get.
2) Next, the beginner needs to never fear being wrong. The best psychics and mediums in the world 'screw up' on a regular basis. No body does 100%.
3) Find a psychic 'development circle' to sit in every week. There you'll be in with your peers who are learning with you and you'll gain a lot of experience while learning. A circle enables you to meet other people and it also provides a safe energy platform for you to develop your ability.
Every day of our lives we engage in the paranormal practice of communicating with a higher realm of consciousness and we are not even aware of it. Following is a list of things that everyone has experienced at least once. Look them over and remember similar such psychic events that happened to you. Once you have become aware of them, practice them and more will occur. Through a higher awareness you can make the paranormal become the normal for you.
Pay attention to what is going on around you in everyday occurrences and events. When you experience one of events listed below, write it in a book or a diary that you keep just for that purpose. Recording these events, no matter how trivial they may seem, will help you with your development. Try to discover other types not mentioned in this list. Pay particular attention to your own personal growth as you progress, looking for changes in the way you look at things, how you feel as compared to before. Be sure to track your personal growth as well as the psychic events. This will give you added confidence in your self and your growing talent.
Here are a few types of events you should be looking for.
1) Coincidences - Pay attention to coincidences that amaze you, including those that don't. All coincidences have a meaning, especially if they seem to further your psychic or spiritual path. Record all of them.
2) Hunches - See what happens with your hunches. Take the effort to see if they play out as they came to you.
3) Urges - Follow up on urges. If you followed the urge, what happened?
4) The little inner voice - Listen to it. Deep within it gives you an awareness and knowledge about yourself or someone else. About the present, past or future. We don't always hear it, because our conscious minds are preoccupied with ourselves. The subtlety of this voice sometimes makes us think that our mind is talking to itself. Record these occasions, because this practice will greatly enhance your ability to hear more of this voice.
5) Predictions- If you are going to see someone that you've never met, try to picture in your mind what this person looks like. When you speak to someone on the telephone, do the same thing. If you are going to a meeting or gathering, guess how many people will be there, what the interior or exterior looks like. See if you can imagine what just one person will look like and what they will be wearing. Practice advance awareness, by always trying to predict things in advance of seeing or experiencing them. This is a good method for getting immediate feedback.
Everyone has it.
Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive.
This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body.
Nothing to fear.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons. Thanks to the media and to religion, it has been misrepresented and as a result, people associate the spirit world with fear and trepidation. A person has more to fear going to their car in the parking lot after work than from those souls in the spirit world.
It is scientific.
Every human being is equipped from birth with what they need to communicate with the spirit world from where they came, and to where they will eventually go when they give up their physical body. This is the same scientific phenomenon that works in the transmission of electronic information such as the television or radio. These require that you tune into a particular band or frequency to get the program that you want. The sixth sense is similar in that it requires tuning in to another person’s frequency or to the frequency of someone in the spirit world. Electronic tuning is done through electronic means that is mechanical in nature. Spiritual tuning is done through the brain with mental focus, intent and desire being the means.
Mental tuning.
Although, tuning by mental focus is inconsistent and capricious, while electronic tuning is reliable, consistent and tangible, it is no less scientific. The difference being that psychic and medium communication is in its infancy as far as future development goes. It has a scientific basis for its manifestation because all things that happen work according to scientific laws, even by laws that haven’t been discovered yet. Consider technology that we take for granted, anyone that would have predicted one hundred years ago where we would be today, would have been laughed to scorn. So it is with mediums and communication with the so-called dead, it is a science in its infancy.
You’ve already had contact.
One doesn’t have to be a practiced medium or an ordained saint to make contact with the souls from the spirit world. At one time or another, everyone that is alive today has seen them, heard from them, been touched by them, smelled them, either while in the waking state or through a dream. Those that can’t recall having the experience are not aware of the signs or, because of fear and ignorance programmed through religion, are in denial. This is the first step in development of your sixth sense, recognizing the times that you have been touched by those in the spirit world.
To become a reader, you must learn to switch your mindset from yourself and onto another person as the center point. Your focus is centered on the inner workings of that person as it relates to the world they live in. For this you need to go within to engage that part of yourself that communicates with the universal mind where all knowledge resides.
The first requirement.
Just like learning any other skill you need to practice. Nothing comes to anyone without practice and reading another person is no different. Remember, you already have the ability, you only need to tune it and refine it.
Mind set is important. The more serious you are about it, the faster you will develop your ability to give readings. If you are dedicated to learn, you will. Just remember, Rome was not built in a day, so be patient. Becoming a psychic reader requires patience and practice.
Learn to meditate
Meditation puts you on the fast track to developing your own potential. It helps you get in that deep inner part of yourself where you get help from outside - from the universal mind. If you don't meditate, you can still learn, but it takes a bit longer. Profound and meaningful information is more readily available for a person that meditates. If you intend to go on to becoming a medium, then learning meditation is a must.
See how to meditate.
Where the information comes from
As each person goes through life, the events of that life are recorded. Every thought, words spoken, actions taken and not, are recorded with the universal mind. Some psychic readers refer to this as the akashic records, but its easier to visualize it as a video recording. This is information that you as a psychic reader can access.
How to get the information
The information comes through 5 sources:
1) Feelings - feelings that something is so, feelings of what a person is feeling inside, feelings about what a person fears, what is going on in their life, feelings about what is going on in regard to their personal relationships, etc.
2) Pictures - Visual pictures will come to the psychic read, some are directly interpreted and others are indirectly related. That is some pictures are symbols for another meaning. For example: in giving a reading, a woman client is visualized fishing off a bridge. Does it mean that the client is really going to go fishing or is she looking for a man? The answer lies in developing a 'feel' of how to interpret these symbols. And in this case, it turned out that the client was looking for a man.
3) Hearing - The psychic reader hears words in the form of mind talk. As though the psychic reader was talking to herself. Sometimes it seems like words are being imagined.
4) Knowing - One of the most profound ways that a psychic reader gets information is through 'knowing'. Suddenly, information appears. And as if by magic, the reader knows something that she didn't know a moment earlier.
5) Smelling and tasting - The psychic reader gets a sense (feels) of smelling or tasting.
How the psychic reader interprets it.
Sometimes you will only get a single word or picture about a person which doesn't provide a clear meaning. You must then go back and ask that symbol to give you more information. More information usually comes through one of the other sources. For example, the picture of the woman fishing on the bridge didn't give an explanation beyond the image itself. When the reader went back for more information, a feeling came to her that the woman was really actively looking for a man to be in her life. The psychic reader goes back to the source as many times as necessary to get a coherent message for her client.
How does a beginner get practice?
1) By meeting new people. - First it is necessary to practice giving readings and also to get feedback. Without feedback a person doesn't know if what they gave to another person made sense or was relevant. Feedback gives a beginner and practicing psychic information on how to interpret the symbols they get.
2) Next, the beginner needs to never fear being wrong. The best psychics and mediums in the world 'screw up' on a regular basis. No body does 100%.
3) Find a psychic 'development circle' to sit in every week. There you'll be in with your peers who are learning with you and you'll gain a lot of experience while learning. A circle enables you to meet other people and it also provides a safe energy platform for you to develop your ability.
Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is geometry that is sacred to the observer or discoverer. This meaning is sometimes described as being the language of the God of the religion of the people who discovered or used it. Sacred geometry can be described as attributing a religious or cultural value to the graphical representation of the mathematical relationships and the design of the man-made objects that symbolize or represent these mathematical relationships. The golden ratio was often used in the design of Greek and Roman architecture. A contemporary usage of the term describes a supposed re-discovered mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the Universe that is represented in crop circles and in ancient architecture such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge.The golden ratio, also known as the god ratio, golden proportion, golden mean, golden section, golden number, divine proportion or sectio divina, is an irrational number, approximately 1.618 033 988 749 894 848, that possesses many interesting properties. Shapes proportioned according to the golden ratio have long been considered aesthetically pleasing in Western cultures, and the golden ratio is still used frequently in art and design, suggesting a natural balance between symmetry and asymmetry. The ancient Pythagoreans, who defined numbers as expressions of ratios (and not as units as is common today), believed that reality is numerical and that the golden ratio expressed an underlying truth about existence.
The universe is created by thought consciousness which manifests in physical reality through a geometric blueprint that we call Sacred Geometry. It repeats in cycles giving the illusion of linear time so we can experience emotions. The term "sacred geometry" is used by archaeologists, anthropologists, and geometricians to encompass the religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around geometry in various cultures during the course of human history. It is a catch-all term covering Pythagorean geometry and neo-Platonic geometry, as well as the perceived relationships between organic and logarithmic curves.
What is Clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is the art of 'seeing' with senses beyond the five we normally use. Clairvoyance is often called the 'sixth sense'. It is related to the images that are always present in your mind that bring messages from other realms. These images can be shape, colors, still, animated, remain on a few seconds or last a longer time. You may 'see' them with your eyes open or closed.
In clairvoyance we 'see' with what is commonly called the 'third eye'. In the human body there is a gland called the pineal gland. It is located in the back area of the brain almost in the center of the head. This gland has degenerated from its original size comparable to a ping pong ball to its present size comparable to a pea, because we forgot how to use it a long time ago when our breathing patterns changed.
The pineal gland looks like an eye, and in some respects, it is literally an eyeball. It is round and has an opening on one portion. In that opening is a lens for focusing light. It looks upward. It is hollow and it has color receptors.
Just as the eyes on our face can look up to 90 degrees away from the direction they are set, the pineal gland can also 'look' as much as 90 degrees away from its set direction (up). And just as we cannot look out the back of our heads, the pineal gland cannot look down.
Inside the pineal gland - even in its shrunken size - are all the geometries and understandings of exactly how reality was created. It's all there, in every person. Most of us lost our memories during the fall and are just now starting to re-member and access these geometries and understandings.
Without our memories we started to breathe differently. Pranic energy used to flow right through the center of the pineal gland. Instead of taking in prana through the pineal gland and circulating it up and down our central tube, we started breathing it in through the nose and mouth. This caused the prana to bypass the pineal gland, which resulted in our seeing things in a totally different way, through a different interpretation of the reality called polarity consciousness.
The result of this polarity consciousness has us thinking that we're inside a body looking out, somehow separated from what's out there.Mankind is evolving to a frequency where clairvoyance will be part of daily life. For many people this gift comes naturally - especially children. Some people find is easy to tune their frequencies in to the other side to 'see'. Other people develop the skill with practice. Some people can never master it.
Some people become clairvoyant after a unique experience such as a Near Death Experience, ET Abduction, high fever, serious accident, blow to the head area, or opening of the kundalini energies. Some people use chemical stimulants or hallucinogens to heighten their awareness.
Clairvoyance connects to the right side of the brain - the feminine, creative, and intuitive aspects. That is why you may tend to feel physical sensations in on the left side of your body when you work clairvoyantly.The energy enters in through the left side of your body so as to activate the right side of your brain.
Opening your clairvoyant gifts has to do with DNA activation of your encoded cellular memories, activations of your chakras, raising your frequency, balancing your energy bodies, your self esteem and the ability to trust in what you 'hear' and 'see', your emotional state (clearing issues that block / or influence the information you get), expanding your knowledge base in all areas of 3D. You can't read someone on a subject - or understand symbols on a specific subject if you have no knowledge of that subject. The brain will have no way of interpreting the language into something you can understand. You can explain what you see - but we like to give meaning to our imagery. Even with the archetypes we see in meditation, dreams, etc. - our brains need some sort of frame of reference if we are to understand.
f course with automatic writing and art we can look at what we 'get' after we are finished and wonder, "What does that represent?" Often we are clueless - yet at some point that which we receive will have meaning. A lot of messages received in automatic writing and art are reflections of confusion within us.
Once you have opened your clairvoyant gifts, it is like any other exercise - it gets easier and easier. Some people mediate daily not for these messages but just to keep their sheath bodies in balance. They receive few images - but like to relax and feel at peace.Every cell in our bodies is being affected by the raising frequencies of the planet. We are being activated whether we want to be or not. Hundreds of years ago - to possess the gift of clairvoyance - one was considered a witch - as unknown knowledge was 'feared' (the emotion which keeps us trapped on this planet). Anything connected to 'higher frequency' information was forbidden.
Humanity has returned to an age of enlightenment in which we are all activating or DNA codes to discover who we are and why we are here. Clairvoyance is part of our total experience - the spiraling evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time.
In clairvoyance we 'see' with what is commonly called the 'third eye'. In the human body there is a gland called the pineal gland. It is located in the back area of the brain almost in the center of the head. This gland has degenerated from its original size comparable to a ping pong ball to its present size comparable to a pea, because we forgot how to use it a long time ago when our breathing patterns changed.
The pineal gland looks like an eye, and in some respects, it is literally an eyeball. It is round and has an opening on one portion. In that opening is a lens for focusing light. It looks upward. It is hollow and it has color receptors.
Just as the eyes on our face can look up to 90 degrees away from the direction they are set, the pineal gland can also 'look' as much as 90 degrees away from its set direction (up). And just as we cannot look out the back of our heads, the pineal gland cannot look down.
Inside the pineal gland - even in its shrunken size - are all the geometries and understandings of exactly how reality was created. It's all there, in every person. Most of us lost our memories during the fall and are just now starting to re-member and access these geometries and understandings.
Without our memories we started to breathe differently. Pranic energy used to flow right through the center of the pineal gland. Instead of taking in prana through the pineal gland and circulating it up and down our central tube, we started breathing it in through the nose and mouth. This caused the prana to bypass the pineal gland, which resulted in our seeing things in a totally different way, through a different interpretation of the reality called polarity consciousness.
The result of this polarity consciousness has us thinking that we're inside a body looking out, somehow separated from what's out there.Mankind is evolving to a frequency where clairvoyance will be part of daily life. For many people this gift comes naturally - especially children. Some people find is easy to tune their frequencies in to the other side to 'see'. Other people develop the skill with practice. Some people can never master it.
Some people become clairvoyant after a unique experience such as a Near Death Experience, ET Abduction, high fever, serious accident, blow to the head area, or opening of the kundalini energies. Some people use chemical stimulants or hallucinogens to heighten their awareness.
Clairvoyance connects to the right side of the brain - the feminine, creative, and intuitive aspects. That is why you may tend to feel physical sensations in on the left side of your body when you work clairvoyantly.The energy enters in through the left side of your body so as to activate the right side of your brain.
Opening your clairvoyant gifts has to do with DNA activation of your encoded cellular memories, activations of your chakras, raising your frequency, balancing your energy bodies, your self esteem and the ability to trust in what you 'hear' and 'see', your emotional state (clearing issues that block / or influence the information you get), expanding your knowledge base in all areas of 3D. You can't read someone on a subject - or understand symbols on a specific subject if you have no knowledge of that subject. The brain will have no way of interpreting the language into something you can understand. You can explain what you see - but we like to give meaning to our imagery. Even with the archetypes we see in meditation, dreams, etc. - our brains need some sort of frame of reference if we are to understand.
f course with automatic writing and art we can look at what we 'get' after we are finished and wonder, "What does that represent?" Often we are clueless - yet at some point that which we receive will have meaning. A lot of messages received in automatic writing and art are reflections of confusion within us.
Once you have opened your clairvoyant gifts, it is like any other exercise - it gets easier and easier. Some people mediate daily not for these messages but just to keep their sheath bodies in balance. They receive few images - but like to relax and feel at peace.Every cell in our bodies is being affected by the raising frequencies of the planet. We are being activated whether we want to be or not. Hundreds of years ago - to possess the gift of clairvoyance - one was considered a witch - as unknown knowledge was 'feared' (the emotion which keeps us trapped on this planet). Anything connected to 'higher frequency' information was forbidden.
Humanity has returned to an age of enlightenment in which we are all activating or DNA codes to discover who we are and why we are here. Clairvoyance is part of our total experience - the spiraling evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time.
Within this blog you will find an introduction as well as a growing awareness about spiritual energies and communication with the spiritual realms, angels, guides and spirit friends.
Within this blog you will find an introduction as well as a growing awareness about spiritual energies and communication with the spiritual realms, angels, guides and spirit friends.
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