Sunday, October 05, 2008

New column in the Spanish sun Newspaper

We now have a column in the Spanish Sun Newspaper focusing upon Spiritual Development
The column will be called Symbolic Whispers.
Please click on the following link

Symbolic Whispers

Symbolic Whispers offers you insight into the spirit world and self and spiritual development. The Symbolic Whispers development Circle is based in Fuengirola, in Southern Spain. Its primary task is to teach training mediums and light-workers to create a stronger connection to the spirit world and Universal Consciousness.

Through this column we aim to highlight the connection to the spirit world. Please send in your questions conserning the spirit world. If you would like a reading please write one question and a reply will be given in the following edition or to you privately.

What is the point in trying to connect to the spirit world?
Scientists have been trying to prove that there is life after death, yet mediums through the centuries have connected and brought back proof that there is an existance beyond this one. Many people who have lost a loved one often feel the need to connect with their departed, for their own healing and coming to terms as well as closure to emotional hurt and bereavement. Connecting to the spirit world assists in healing both for the departed as well as those left behind.
We can also learn alot about ourselves and our life purpose. It is not only those who have departed that are contacted for assistance, but also spirit guides, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters and spiritual teachers.

What is a development Circle?
A development circle is aimed at developing the spiritual self as well as learning methods of communication. Although it is not a healing circle, healing does take place. The development circle helps to assist with your own needs of spiritual development. Each person may have different gifts such as Clairvoyant ( clear seeing/visual) clairsentient (clear feeling sensing) clairaudient ( Clear hearing) or of course a combination of all. You may be psychic, where you have an ability to know about a persons life and read their minds. You may have an incredible gift where you can see spirit and communicate with them. Unless you are aware of yourself, you will not know what gifts you have or how to develop them further.

How do I know I have found the right circle for me?
If you are attending a development circle, you should feel uplifted by the end of the evening. You may have a headache around your thirdeye, yet this is normal in the beginning as you are starting to use a muscle that has not been used before. A circle should focus upon opening with a prayer or an uplifting song. Meditation on the light and protecting yourself with the aura. Your chakras should also be opened and activated to teach you to become a channel for the energy, a working medium. You are after all the transmitter. This needs to be in a good working order to enable you to make a stronger connection. Closing down is also important as you can not remain open to spirit all the time.

I have heard reports where people have attended circles and felt drained or have received negative messages. This is therefore a circle that is not working for the highest good of the members of the circle.

Spiritual development, confidence and healing are often felt during meetings. Many people comment that they feel a great sense of peace or a powerful sense of love. It is not uncommon to feel tearful especially when spirit is close. Overall connecting to the other-side is a special gift to be nurtured.

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